Regular brake inspection is not just a good practice; it’s a critical step to detect brake problems early to prevent expensive repairs and replacements down the road. Here is a quick guide to the early symptoms of brake problems

Detecting Signs of Brake Issues:

Sound: Unusual noises like squealing, rubbing, or screeching often signal brake pad or shoe malfunctions. Promptly address any unfamiliar sounds to prevent extensive damage to brake components and other costly repairs.

Vibration: Pulsations or vibrations in the brake pedal or steering wheel indicate potential brake system failures. Never ignore vibrations, as they could result from worn-down brake rotors, leading to irreversible damage and costly repairs.

Function: Changes in brake functionality, such as a “soft” or squishy brake pedal or increased pressure needed for braking, should prompt an immediate brake system inspection. Early detection and intervention can prevent further complications and ensure optimal brake performance.

Smell: A foul, burning scent near the vehicle’s tire area is a red flag.

Warning: Brake repair warning lights and other built-in vehicle warnings should never be ignored.

Treat these warnings lights seriously from the moment they appear, as they signal potential brake system issues that demand attention.

Neglecting brake issues can lead to not only costly damages but also unsafe driving conditions. By following these simple tips, you can prioritize safety, save time, and avoid expensive brake repairs. Stay proactive with regular brake system inspections and maintenance from our Modica Bros. Tire & Wheel Center experts to enjoy peace of mind on the road. Find a location near you.